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Human 3.0 Webinar
Wednesday, August 17, 2022, 9:00 AM - 10:30 AM CDT
Category: Webinar

Human 3.0: Change the Game, Change Your Life
Hosted by AWSA and Dr. Niraj Nijhawan

Dr. Nijhawan is the CEO and Founder of the Life Ecology Organization (LEO), an organization committed to enhancing performance and wellbeing based on the best evidence from the science of success and happiness. 

No one has to tell school leaders that it is a time of great stress and anxiety in our communities and country. Some fascinating brain science discoveries can explain why this is happening now, but more importantly, how we can quickly flip switches in our brain to become much more resistant to stress and anxiety, thereby improving sleep, eating habits, and energy. More importantly, we can get our so-called Lower Brain out of the way so that we can become more creatively courageous and fulfilled in our lives whether that means building something, deepening our relationships, being more impactful in service, or being more effective and fulfilled in our careers. These can also be accelerated by activating the Higher Brain. 

It is now a fact that you have unlimited potential to become more happy, effective, healthy, and more deeply connected with yourself and others. There is hope, and you can make this happen almost immediately!  Let us introduce you to a cohesive, entertaining, engaging, and quickly actionable collection of tools to increase you and your team’s tolerance for difficult conversations, whether about innovation, change, accountability, or personal wellness.  Life will always be fascinating and productive from this point forward.

Contact: [email protected]